I have $30USD in the UE4 Marketplace to spend…

Any ideas what it should be put towards?

Obviously, if there’s something everyone as a class would like, I’ll get it (I don’t mind paying too much extra over the top of the $30, if it’s really desirable), but if there’s not too much that interests anyone in the marketplace, then I may just use it for personal projects.

I was considering this for materials/textures in particular. Just for things that we may have overscoped for, but are very much desirable for the final look of the whole project. If we’re able to make the levels look exactly how we want them to, without this extra help, that’s totally fine and I’ll save the money credit. 😀

I understand that we’ve been taught how to make normal maps, etc., to give our textures more depth, but perhaps getting some outside help for hard assets that no one has volunteered to make could ensure our project looks 100% professional and amazing 🙂

Just a thought guys, check out what’s in the marketplace and let me know! 😀

This is how we roll.

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